Incompany training (Eng)

We build all our Training programs out of seperate training modules; modules which are based on our Purchasing Model. This model covers the purchasing function (vision, mission, policy, ethics, roles & responsibilities, personal objectives), the purchasing process (the more or less known steps to fulfil requirements), purchasing marketing (selling and positioning the act of purchasing, the purchasing department and the purchasing professional to the colleagues, suppliers, customers and other stakeholders) and purchasing improvement (which involves everything we can or must do to improve the three before mentioned elements of the purchasing model).

This means that we can either carry out one of the here mentioned Training programs in-company, or we can build one specifically to suit your purpose. The first question will always be: what do you hope to achieve by providing a training program? What do you hope will change for the better tomorrow?

We use highly experienced procurement managers as trainers. They have been involved (or still are) in improvement programs within large, multinational companies, so they know the problems you face.
We gladly set up an appointment to discuss your specific training requirements. What do you expect to happen after you have bought a training?